Director Participates in a Peace and Disarmament Youth Forum
On 20 July 2016, UNRCPD contributed to a seminar organized under an international youth education project entitled “Applying Lessons from Southeast Asian Nuclear Weapons Free Zone to Establishing a Northeast Asian Nuclear Weapons Free Zone,” held in Bali, Indonesia, from 19 to 22 July 2016. The Director of UNRCPD, Mr. Yuriy Kryvonos, delivered an extensive presentation on the activities of the UN Office of Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) in the field of arms control confidence-building, disarmament and non-proliferation, as well as peace and disarmament education. Students from universities of Japan and Indonesia were presented the history of efforts undertaken by the UN to maintain peace and security in the world since its creation up to present time. They were also familiarized with the mandates provided by the UN Charter and special sessions of the First Committee that resulted in forming the UN disarmament machinery, including the UNODA. A special attention during the presentation was paid to issues related to establishing NWFZs in the region of Asia and the Pacific. The project is generously funded under the Davis Projects for Peace, Davis UWC Scholars Program of Middlebury College.