The United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific (UNRCPD) assists countries in the region to achieve their peace, security, and disarmament goals, through provision of substantive support; coordination of activities at the sub-regional, regional and international levels; and information sharing on global and regional activities.
The Centre is mandated to provide, on request, substantive support for initiatives and other activities, mutually agreed upon by the Member States of the Asia-Pacific region, for the implementation of measures for peace and disarmament, and to coordinate the implementation of regional activities in Asia and the Pacific. (UN General Assembly resolution A/42/39D of November 30 1987).
Areas of Assistance
UNRCPD works in close partnership with regional and sub-regional organisations, as well as with other United Nations entities and civil society organizations. The Centre focuses its activities in three main areas: providing capacity building and technical assistance, creating and participating in dialogue fora, and engaging in outreach and advocacy on disarmament issues. In addition, UNRCPD works to:
- Assist States in strengthening their capacity to fully implement UN Security Council Resolution 1540.
- Promote Peace and Disarmament Education to generate public awareness and support for global and regional disarmament efforts.
- Support states in ratification of and accession to the Arms Trade Treaty.
In 1981, a UN Group of Governmental Experts on regional disarmament concluded that there was a vast and somewhat unexplored potential for progress in disarmament at the regional level. The Group found that progress in regional disarmament, equitable solution of problems, just settlement of disputes and with confidence-building measures at the regional level, could create conditions that would promote disarmament and relax tension at the global level. In 1993, the UN Disarmament Commission (UNDC) adopted guidelines and recommendations for regional approaches to disarmament. The UNDC found that regional and global approaches to disarmament and arms limitation complemented each other and should be pursued simultaneously, in order to promote regional and international peace and security. Each year, the General Assembly adopts several resolutions concerning regional disarmament (found below), including on UNRCPD and the other Regional Centres in Latin America (UNLIREC) and Africa (UNREC). The Secretary-General also presents an annual report on each of the three Regional Centres. The latest resolutions and reports can be found below. More information on regional approaches to disarmament can be found here.
The 43 Countries covered by the UNRCPD mandate
Afghanistan * Australia * Bangladesh * Bhutan * Brunei Darussalam * Cambodia * China * Democratic People’s Republic of Korea * Fiji * India * Indonesia * Japan * Kazakhstan * Kiribati * Kyrgyzstan * Lao People’s Democratic Republic * Malaysia * Maldives * Marshall Islands * Micronesia, Federated States of * Mongolia * Myanmar * Nauru * Nepal * New Zealand * Pakistan * Palau * Papua New Guinea * Philippines * Republic of Korea * Samoa * Singapore * Solomon Islands * Sri Lanka * Tajikistan * Thailand * Timor-Leste * Tonga * Turkmenistan * Tuvalu * Uzbekistan * Vanuatu * Viet Nam
Secretary General Reports on UNRCPD
UN General Assembly Resolutions on UNRCPD
- 72nd Session (2017) (A/RES/72/62)
- 71st Session (2016) (A/RES/71/78)
- 70th Session (2015) (A/RES/70/65)
- 69th Session (2014) (A/RES/69/68)
- 68th Session (2013) (A/RES/68/59)
- 67th Session (2012) (A/RES/67/65)
- 66th Session (2011) (A/RES/66/56)
- 65th Session (2010) (A/RES/65/83)
- 64th Session (2009) (A/RES/64/63)