UNODA – WCO Awareness Raising Seminar for Policymakers and Senior Managers on UNSCR 1540 and Strategic Trade Controls

UNODA – WCO Awareness Raising Seminar for Policymakers and Senior Managers on UNSCR 1540 and Strategic Trade Controls
Start Date: Nov 28, 2022
End Date: Dec 2, 2022
Group photo of participants at ‘UNODA-WCO Awareness-raising Seminar for Policy Makers and Senior Managers on UNSCR 1540 (2004) and Strategic Trade Controls’, 28 November 2022
Through the Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific (UNRCPD), UNODA supported the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia in organizing a national workshop to raise awareness amongst policymakers and senior Government officials on the importance of resolution 1540 (2004), the aim of which is the prevention of proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons to non-State actors. This workshop was part of an on-going program to support States’ efforts towards fully implementing their obligations under this resolution.
Jointly organized with the World Customs Organization, the event took place in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on 28 November 2022. The workshop will be followed by a four-day training for frontline customs officials on enhancing Cambodia’s strategic trade control enforcement under the framework of resolution 1540 (2004).
The workshop, supported by financial contributions from the Government of Japan, gathered senior officials from more than 15 Cambodian ministries and agencies, including the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defense, Agriculture, Commerce, Environment, Industry, Justice, the National Authority on Chemical Weapons, the National Counter Terrorism Committee, the Armed Forces and Customs. International partners also attended the workshop, including representatives from Germany, Japan and the United States of America.
Ms. Amanda Cowl, UNODA 1540 Regional Coordinator for Asia, delivering opening remarks
The workshop commenced with opening remarks from Her Excellency, Ms. Puthirasmey Yentieng, Secretary of State on Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, along with welcoming remarks from Mr. Taniani Ichitomo, Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia, as well as Ms. Amanda Cowl, UNODA 1540 Regional Coordinator for Asia.
Throughout the day, participants heard from officials of UNODA and UNRCPD, who introduced the key obligations under resolution 1540 (2004) and other relevant international frameworks related to disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Participants also heard national presentations introducing the elements of Cambodia’s existing legal and regulatory frameworks relevant to resolution 1540 (2004) obligations.
This workshop successfully contributed to raising awareness amongst senior officials on the importance of and national obligations under resolution 1540 (2004). It also helped build and foster a network of focal points throughout different ministries and agencies, effectively convincing participants of the centrality of inter-ministerial coordination. Finally, participants were informed of the role of the 1540 National Focal Point, who serves as the communicational link with the UN Security Council Committee established by resolution 1540 (2004).
A key subject of interest in the workshop was Cambodia’s efforts to establish an effective strategic trade control system. Participants were made aware of the need to establish such a system as a part of their obligations under resolution 1540 (2004) and current efforts to integrate and enhance the coordination and effectiveness of the scattered licensing mechanism for strategic goods. Participants also acknowledged the importance of considering 1540 provisions when implementing their obligations under other disarmament and nonproliferation treaties, including the NPT, BWC and the CWC.
The national workshop laid the groundwork for continued support to be provided to fast track Cambodia’s efforts to achieve full implementation of resolution 1540 (2004). To follow-up, UNODA and UNRCPD will collaborate with the government to build a national action plan and to submit updated reports to the 1540 Committee. UNODA and UNRCPD will continue to work with the Government of Cambodia to strengthen its capacity and fulfill the obligations under the resolution, in cooperation with other international partners.
For additional information, please contact Ms. Amanda Cowl at and Mr. Aaron Junhoung Yoo at